Keep your chefs and kitchen staff looking their very best with our full line of chef wear. We offer an extensive assortment of chef wear for every need and budget--all made from stain resistant, durable, easy care fabrics from Pinnacle and Uncommon Threads, two of the best uniform companies in the industry.
Custom embroidery service, including logos and staff names, is also available. Dedicated inventory is laundered and stored separately. Our "clean and pristine" inventory policy extends to chef wear as well. All inventory is inspected for staining, wear and tear, and fading. You can be assured that your staff will always look their best.
The following chef wear is available for rental and/or purchase:
CHEF COAT French knot (special order) Button (in stock in black or white, size 28 thru 44; larger sizes special order) Butcher Coat (white only)
CHEF PANTS Black and white checkered, elastic waistband (sizes SM - 2XL in stock; XXX and IV special order) COOK SHIRT Regular button up shirt (snap buttons; sizes SM - 3XL in stock; larger sizes are special order)
EXECUTIVE CHEF Embroider services, including Chef Name and Position, are available. Restaurant logo embroidery is also optional.
CHEF HATS and SKULL CAPS Not available for rental, but we offer embroider service and laundry service for COG